Adam McCarthy


I am interested in extracting information from healthcare data using computational techniques such as machine learning and multiscale modeling, to improve patient care.

I’m EMEA Tech Head - Healthcare AI Startups at AWS and a Voting Member at HL7. Previously I was Director of Data Science Technology at the MGH & BWH Center for Clinical Data Science and a Visiting Scientist at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.

Find me @adamajm.

Selected Publications

Ashray Gunjur, …, Adam McCarthy, et al. Defining the relationship between the gut microbiome, host factors, and response to immune checkpoint inhibitors across diverse rare cancer types. Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease. 2022.

Holger R Roth, …, Adam McCarthy, et al. Federated learning for breast density classification: A real-world implementation. DART/DCL. 2020.

K. Chang, …, Adam McCarthy, et al. Federated Deep Learning Among Multiple Institutions for Automated Classification of Breast Density. SIIM. 2020

Kirti Magudia, Christopher Bridge, Mark Walters, Adam McCarthy, Mark H. Michalski, Katherine P. Andriole, Michael Rosenthal. “The trials and tribulations of assembling large datasets for machine learning applications”. SIIM. 2019.

Bernardo Bizzo, Christopher Bridge, Stefano Bedemonte, Bradley Wright, Renata R. Almeida, Sean Doyle, Mark Walters, Neil A. Tenenholtz, Adam McCarthy, Stuart Pomerantz, Katherine P. Andriole, Ramon G. Gonzalez, Mark H. Michalski. “Deep Learning for Acute Ischemic Stroke on Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging”. RSNA. 2018.

Stefano Pedemonte, Bernardo Bizzo, Stuart R. Pomerantz, Neil Tenenholtz, Brad Wright, Mark Walters, Sean Doyle, Adam McCarthy, Renata R. De Almeida, Katherina P. Andriole, Mark H. Michalski, Ramon G. Gonzalez. “Detection and Delineation of Acute Cerebral Infarct on DWI using Weakly Supervised Machine Learning”. MICCAI. 2018.

Julià Camps, Adam McCarthy, Blanca Rodrıguez, Ana Mincholé. “Deep learning based QRS Multilead Delineator in Electrocardiogram signals”. Biomedical Informatics with Optimization and Machine Learning. 2018.

Julià Camps, Adam McCarthy, Blanca Rodríguez, Ana Mincholé. “ConvNet based QRS Multilead Delineator in Electrocardiogram Signals”. AIH+Arial+BOOM, ICJAI. 2018.

Adam McCarthy, Blanca Rodriguez, and Ana Mincholé. “Variational Inference over Non-differentiable Simulators using Bayesian Optimization”. ML4H+DLPS, NIPS. 2017.

“Developing Deep-Learning Models in the Hospital: A Case Study on the Center for Clinical Data Science”. Partners Healthcare/NVIDIA Whitepaper. 2017.

Adam McCarthy and Christopher K.I. Williams. “Predicting Patient State-of-Health using Sliding Window and Recurrent Classifiers”. Machine Learning for Health, NIPS. 2016. (Poster)

Adam McCarthy, Ben Smyth, and Elizabeth A. Quaglia. “Hawk and Aucitas: e-auction schemes from the Helios and Civitas e-voting schemes”. International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security. 2014.